Edmund Taylor RAM 296
Due to the untimely death of the Master Elect Bro George Wright, Tony Farrar was proclaimed as Worshipful Commander of Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Marnier Lodge No 296.
Geoff, Tony and PGM designate Keith Beardmore
WBro Geoff Lee congratulates Tony
The IPC John Morris carried out the proclamation in a very sincere manner and the address to the commander was superbly delivered by the lodge DC WBro David Bell.
The two mark wardens are also commanders in office.
WBro Geoffrey Lee who was representing the PGM congratulated John and David for their work and thanked Tony for taking on the position of Worshipful Commander for a second year and Geoff was pleased to note that the lodge would have some work to do as a candidate was proposed at the meeting. Geoff took the opportunity to congratulate WBro Keith Beardmore who is to be the new PGM.
Eric Picton (Past SW), Chris Keogh, Howard Emmett (Past SW) and Arthur Robinson
Tony was pleased to present WBro Lee with 2 cheques for £296 each, one for the West Lancashire Mark charities and one for Great Arly School.
Tony who is the current Provincial Grand Junior Warden was joined at the meeting by WBro Arthur Robinson, Provincial Grand Senior Warden who is Tony’s running mate this year, Arthur was installed as Worshipful Commander of mount Ararat RAM 4 days earlier.
John Forster, Keith Beardmore, Geoff Lee, Tony Farrar and John Powell.
Tony was also pleased to have the company of Bro Chris Keogh at the festive board, Chris who is Tony’s brother-in-law, is also the provinces newest Mark man having only joined Semper Fidelis Mark Lodge the night before.

Words and Pictures Courtesy of Tony Farrar